Elevate Martial Arts' Current Student Resources

Elevate Martial Arts has Classes in Cottage Lake, Perfect for Kids, Teens, and Adults Martial Arts Lessons.

Testing Curriculum

We have attached the testing cirriculum for belt testing below! Make sure to review the expectations and reach out to Master Gilbert if you have any questions! 

Tiny Tigers

Testing curriculum for Tiny Tigers

White Belts

Testing curriculum for white belts testing to yellow belts.

Yellow Belts

Testing curriculum for yellow belts testing to orange belts.

Orange Belts

Testing curriculum for orange belts testing to green belts.

Word of the Week


Humility is self control over our pride. We all want to be proud of our accomplishments and things. But pride can mostly hinder us more than assists our growth. What are some ways you can be more humble? This week, let’s practice humility!

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